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"Positive Manipulation... a means to a never-ending

source of personal power." DM 

A transformational book; a must-have for anyone on a spiritual journey.” VD


"Total game changer for corporations wanting to get their employees on the ‘same page.’” LC


“Makes sense; create one new, 'good' habit a day to eradicate all the not-so-good ones!" BM 


"It taught me what I needed to know about being human but never learned in school.” TS 


“I’m thinking if everyone were to do Positive Manipulation for even five minutes a day, our entire world would shift!” HL 


“If you don’t believe you possess Soul Power, you will after reading this book. If you do believe, be prepared to be in touch with it like never before!” DF

"This is a great book... small and an easy read. I bring it to the office and read mantras to the staff. They look forward to it and the work environment changes after we read it." KB

"The writing reads easily and effortlessly, making the mantras more mentally digestible. I highly recommend for everyone!" GT

What Readers are Saying:

Just for Kids!

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Introducing the

My Mini Coloring Book and Reader

Your Love Multiplies!

The proceeds from your purchases of books and other merchandise are used to fund wellness programs for schools and other non-profit entities.

Most importantly, your support helps 

spread the message of love and

unity for our country!

Specifically designed and written for children, this 8" x 8", 30-page coloring book features MantraMouse and BoH, whose name stands for Bluebird of Happiness. Both set out on their daily wellness journey, discovering different ways to maintain happy thoughts and a healthy body using Positive Manipulation®. Filled with powerful messages of love and goodness, this coloring book is made out of durable paper stock, allowing it to become a personal reader children will enjoy for years to come. 

MantraMouse coloring art and cartoons can also be used to create poster campaigns for schools, and NFPs, as well as T-shirts, tote bags, coffee mugs, and so much more. Perfect for fundraisers and sponsorship programs, contact the author for more information on rights of use, how the book can be customized, and the availability of cartoons designed to suit an organization's personal message. In quantities over 350, the book's back cover can be imprinted with a custom message and logo. Click Here to Read More

#MantraMouse #MyMiniBookofMightyMantras

Some sample pages of

My Mini Book of Mighty Mantras Coloring Book and Reader

We are excited to show you the coloring book in its entirety! 

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© 2019 Donna Martini. All rights reserved.

MantraMouse® is a Registered Trademark Character and the intellectual property of Donna Martini of DM Enterprises, LLC

All Cartoons and books © 2018, © 2019 are designed, written, and created by Donna Martini

DM Enterprises, LLC is solely owned by Donna Martini and is a for-profit company, although she uses the profits obtained from her speaking events and the sale of MantraMouse® posters, merchandise, and books to fund the production, promotion, and implementation of school and workplace wellness programs, educational workshops and seminars, videos, short films and public awareness videos, music, books, cartoons, websites, radio, merchandise and book giveaways, and social media ads. Her goal is to help implement school and workplace wellness programs which promote personal responsibility, healthy environment and lifestyle practices, love, compassion, tolerance, goodness, forgiveness, and the unity of human spirit. 

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